Creating reports with litebird_sim

The LiteBIRD simulation framework has the ability to automatically produce reports in the output directory specified during the creation of a Simulation object.

The framework uses the Jinja2 templating library to render the text, and the Python-Markdown <> library to convert the text to HTML.

The usage of the facility is easy:

import litebird_sim as lbs
import matplotlib.pylab as plt

# Create some plot
data_points = [0, 1, 2, 3]
fig = plt.gcf()

sim = lbs.Simulation(base_dir="./report_example")

## Section name

Here is some Markdown text written in *italic* and in **bold**.

Here is a list:

- One
- Two
- Three

The value of the variable `foo` is {{ foo }}.

And here is a figure:

    figures=[(fig, "myfigure.png")],

The method Simulation.append_to_report() accepts arbitrary keywords, which are substituted in the string whenever the form {{ }} is found. Thus, the string The value of the variable `foo` is {{ foo }}. is converted into The value of the variable `foo` is 123.. The keyword figures is however interpreted directly by Simulation.append_to_report(): it must be a list of 2-tuples of the form (figure, filename), and it triggers the save of the Matplotlib figure into a file with the specified name; you can refer to the file using Markdown’s usual syntax ![](filename), as shown in the example above.

Including tables

Reports can include tables as well. They are formatted using the ASCII characters | and -, as in the following example:


Here is a table:

Column A   | Column B
---------- | ------------
Item 1 | Value 1
Item 2 | Value 2
Item 3 | Value 3

If you are going to write the rows of the table using Jinja2’s for loops, be sure to end the loop with {% endfor -%} instead of {% endfor %}, in order not to leave empty lines between consecutive rows.

Converting the report to other formats

It might be the case that the report produced by your script contain some complex table/paragraphs that you would like to include to an article written in LaTeX or Microsoft Word. You can easily convert the report into one of these formats using Pandoc <>.

The Simulation Framework saves the Markdown source text of the report in the same directory as report.html, and you can ask Markdown to convert to some other format than HTML. The following shell commands will produce files report.tex (LaTeX source), report.docx (Microsoft Word file), and report.pdf (PDF file produced using LaTeX):

$ pandoc -f markdown -t latex -o report.tex
$ pandoc -f markdown -t docx -o report.docx
$ pandoc -f markdown -t latex -o report.pdf

Any image included in the report is saved in the same directory as and report.html, so you can take and reuse them. To ease the possibility to include images in the documents, you should stick to the PNG image format, as it is easily embeddable in HTML, pdfLaTeX/xeLaTeX/luaLaTeX, and Microsoft Word files. The alternative is to manually convert the image files to other formats.

If the report contains mathematical equations, things get a little trickier. You must create a text file with your favourite editor and copy the following code in it (the file is available in the Python distribution as litebird_sim/misc/pandoc-filter.lua):

-- mode: lua

-- Pass the following option to pandoc:
--   pandoc --lua-filter gitlab-math.lua ...
-- to use this filter

function Math(el)
   if el.mathtype == "InlineMath" then
      if el.text:sub(1,1) == '`' and el.text:sub(#el.text) == '`' then
         local text = el.text:sub(2,#el.text-1)
         return pandoc.Math(el.mathtype, text)
         local cont =
         return { pandoc.Str("$") } .. cont.blocks[1].content .. { pandoc.Str("$") }

function CodeBlock(el)
   if el.classes[1] == "math" then
      return pandoc.Para({ pandoc.Math("DisplayMath", el.text) })

and save it somewhere in your computer; let’s suppose that the path is /my/scripts/litebird-sim-pandoc.lua (better to use the extension .lua, as this is a Lua script). Then, run pandoc with the option --lua-filter /my/scripts/litebird-sim-pandoc.lua and the equations will be converted properly. The following image shows the result of running the filter on a report generated by an analysis script to convert the report in a docx file:


And here is a screenshot of one page of the PDF file that has been produced by Pandoc by converting the same document to a LaTeX file:


Converting reports to LaTeX is particularly handy when you want to re-use tables written in the report, as these are notoriously a pain to write manually in LaTeX.

A few stylistical tips

You should always try to put the formatting logic of the report within the string passed to Simulation.append_to_report(), possibly using Jinja2’s filters, instead of formatting the arguments in your Python script. Thus, instead of doing this:

    "Here is some number: {{ val }}",
    val="%0.2f" % value,    # Don't do this!

you should do this:

# Ok, put the formatting logic into the string and rely
# on Jinja2's filter named "format"
    'Here is some number: {{ "0.2f" | format(val) }}',

Here are a few interesting filters:

  • {{ var | upper }}` converts ``var (a string) to uppercase

  • {{ var | lower }}` converts ``var (a string) to lowercase

  • {{ var | capitalize }}` capitalizes ``var (a string), so that jupiter is turned into Jupiter.

Finally, if the report is getting larger and larger, it is advisable to move the string passed to Simulation.append_to_report() in a separate file and load it at runtime. So, regarding the short example above, you would put the following text in a file

Here is some number: {{ "0.2f" | format(val) }}
Blah blah blah

Here follows a few very long paragraphs...

And here some more text...

and then you would load it in your script in the following way:

with open("", "rt") as inpf:
    template = "".join(inpf.readlines())

sim.append_to_report(template, val=value)

Again, this should be done only when the report is going to include several lines of text: in this way, the Python script is not cluttered and is easier to read.