Installing the framework

Until the framework is not published on PyPI, you have to grab a .tar.gz file from the litebird_sim release page and install it manually with the following procedure:

# Create a directory where you're going to write your scripts,
# notebooks, etc.
mkdir -p ~/litebird && cd ~/litebird

# Create a virtual environment
virtualenv venv

# Activate the environment
. venv/bin/activate

# Here you must specify the path to the .tar.gz file
# that you downloaded before
pip install ~/Downloads/litebird_sim-X.Y.Z.tar.gz

When the command is completed, check that everything works by issuing the following command at the terminal prompt:

python -c "import litebird_sim; print(litebird_sim.__version__)"

If it prints a version number that matches the one of the .tar.gz file, this means you are done!

Hacking litebird_sim

To develop litebird_sim, you should first install poetry and then build the framework with the following commands:

git clone litebird_sim
cd litebird_sim && poetry install

Be sure not to work within a Conda environment, nor to create a virtual environment! The purpose of the poetry command is exactly to transparently manage virtual environments.

To produce new releases, you can use poetry build -f sdist: this will create a .tar.gz file in the directory dist, which can be uploaded in the release page of litebird_sim.