
The Observation class, is the container for the data acquired by the telescope during a scaning period (and the relevant information about it).

Serial applications

In a serial code Observation is equivalent to an empty class in which you can put anything:

import litebird_sim as lbs
import numpy as np

obs = lbs.Observation(

obs.my_new_attr = 'value'
setattr(obs, 'another_new_attr', 'another value')

Across the framework, the coherence in the names and content of the attributes is guaranteed by convention (no check is done by the Observation class).

There are two more conventions. First, obs.tod is a 2-D array. obs.tod[0] is the time stream of the first detector. obs.tod[:, 0] are the first time sample of all the detectors. Second, detector-specific attributes are collected in arrays: obs.calibration_factors is a 1-D array with one entry per detector.

Thus, typical operations look like this:

# Collect detector properties in arrays
obs.calibration_factors = np.array([1.1, 1.2])
obs.wn_levels = np.array([2.1, 2.2])

# Apply to each detector its own calibration factor
obs.tod *=  obs.calibration_factors[:, None]

# Add white noise at a different level for each detector
obs.tod += (np.random.normal(size=obs.tod.shape)
            * obs.wn_levels[:, None])

Parallel applications

The only work that the Observation class actually does is handling parallelism. obs.tod can be distributed over a n_blocks_det by n_blocks_time grid of MPI ranks. The blocks can be changed at run-time.

The coherence between the serial and parallel operations is achieved by distributing also the arrays of detector properties: each rank keeps in memory only an interval of calibration_factors or wn_levels, the same detector interval of tod.

The main advantage is that the example operations in the Serial section are achieved with the same lines of code. The price to pay is that you have to set detector properties with special methods.

import litebird_sim as lbs
from mpi4py import MPI


obs = lbs.Observation(
    n_blocks_det=2, # Split the detector axis in 2
    comm=comm  # across the processes of this communicator

# Add detector properties either with a global array that contains
# all the detectors (which will be scattered across the processor grid)
obs.setattr_det_global('calibration_factors', np.array([1.1, 1.2]))

# Or with the local array, if somehow you have it already
if comm.rank == 0:
    wn_level_local = np.array([2.1])
elif comm.rank == 1:
    wn_level_local = np.array([2.2])
    wn_level_local = np.array([])
obs.setattr_det('wn_levels', wn_level_local)

# Operate on the local portion of the data just like in serial code

# Apply to each detector its own calibration factor
obs.tod *=  obs.calibration_factors[:, None]

# Add white noise at a different level for each detector
obs.tod += (np.random.normal(size=obs.tod.shape)
            * obs.wn_levels[:, None])

# Change the data distribution
obs.set_blocks(n_blocks_det=1, n_blocks_time=1)
# Now the rank 0 has exactly the data of the serial obs object

For clarity, here is a visualization of how data (a detector attribute and the TOD) gets distributed.


When n_blocks_det != 1, keep in mind that obs.tod[0] or obs.wn_levels[0] are quantities of the first local detector, not global. This should not be a problem as the only thing that matters is that the two quantities refer to the same detector. If you need the global detector index, you can get it with obs.det_idx[0], which is created at construction time.

Other notable functionalities

The starting time can be represented either as floating-point values (appropriate in 99% of the cases) or MJD; in the latter case, it is handled through the AstroPy library.

Instead of adding detector attributes after construction, you can pass a list of dictionaries (one entry for each detectors). One attribute is created for every key.

import litebird_sim as lbs
from astropy.time import Time

# Second case: use MJD to track the time
obs_mjd = lbs.Observation(
    detectors=[{"name": "A"}, {"name": "B"}]
    start_time_global=Time("2020-02-20", format="iso"),

obs.name == np.array(["A", "B"])  # True

API reference

class litebird_sim.observations.Observation(detectors: Union[int, List[dict]], n_samples_global: int, start_time_global: Union[float, astropy.time.core.Time], sampling_rate_hz: float, allocate_tod=True, dtype_tod=<class 'numpy.float32'>, n_blocks_det=1, n_blocks_time=1, comm=None, root=0)

Bases: object

An observation made by one or multiple detectors over some time window

After construction at least the following attributes are available - start_time() - n_detectors() - n_samples() - tod() 2D array (n_detectors by n_samples) stacking the times

streams of the detectors

A note for MPI-parallel application: unless specified, all the variables are local. Should you need the global counterparts, 1) think twice, 2) append _global to the attribute name. - start_time_global() - n_detectors_global() ~ n_detectors * n_blocks_det - n_samples_global() ~ n_samples * n_blocks_time

Following the same phylosophy also - get_times() returns the time stamps of the local time interval

  • detectors (int/list of dict) – Either the number of detectors or a list of dictionaries with one entry for each detector. The keys of the dictionaries will become attributes of the observation. If a detector is missing a key it will be set to nan. If an MPI communicator is passed to comm, detectors is relevant only for the root process

  • n_samples_global (int) – The number of samples in this observation.

  • start_time_global – Start time of the observation. It can either be a astropy.time.Time type or a floating-point number. In the latter case, it must be expressed in seconds.

  • sampling_rate_hz (float) – The sampling frequency, in Hertz.

  • dtype_tod (dtype) – Data type of the TOD array. Use it to balance numerical precision and memory consumption.

  • n_blocks_det (int) – divide the detector axis of the tod (and all the arrays of detector attributes) in n_blocks_det blocks

  • n_blocks_time (int) – divide the time axis of the tod in n_blocks_time blocks

  • comm – either None (do not use MPI) or a MPI communicator object, like mpi4py.MPI.COMM_WORLD. Its size is required to be at least n_blocks_det times n_blocks_time

  • root (int) – rank of the process receiving the detector list, if detectors is a list of dictionaries, otherwise it is ignored.

get_det2ecl_quaternions(spin2ecliptic_quats: litebird_sim.scanning.Spin2EclipticQuaternions, detector_quats, bore2spin_quat, quaternion_buffer=None, dtype=<class 'numpy.float64'>)

Deprecated: see scanning.get_det2ecl_quaternions

get_ecl2det_quaternions(spin2ecliptic_quats: litebird_sim.scanning.Spin2EclipticQuaternions, detector_quats, bore2spin_quat, quaternion_buffer=None, dtype=<class 'numpy.float64'>)

Deprecated: see scanning.get_ecl2det_quaternions


Deprecated: see scanning.get_pointing_buffer_shape

get_pointings(spin2ecliptic_quats: litebird_sim.scanning.Spin2EclipticQuaternions, detector_quats, bore2spin_quat, quaternion_buffer=None, dtype_quaternion=<class 'numpy.float64'>, pointing_buffer=None, dtype_pointing=<class 'numpy.float32'>)

Deprecated: see scanning.get_pointings


Deprecated: see scanning.get_quaternion_buffer_shape

get_times(normalize=False, astropy_times=False)

Return a vector containing the time of each sample in the observation

The measure unit of the result depends on the value of astropy_times: if it’s true, times are returned as astropy.time.Time objects, which can be converted to several units (MJD, seconds, etc.); if astropy_times is false (the default), times are expressed in seconds. In the latter case, you should interpret these times as sidereal.

If normalize=True, then the first time is zero. Setting this flag requires that astropy_times=False.

This can be a costly operation; you should cache this result if you plan to use it in your code, instead of calling this method over and over again.

Note for MPI-parallel codes: the times returned are only those of the local portion of the data. This means that

  • the size of the returned array is n_samples, smaller than n_samples_global whenever there is more than one time-block

  • self.tod * self.get_times() is a meaningless but always allowed operation

property n_blocks_det
property n_blocks_time
property n_detectors
property n_detectors_global

Total number of detectors in the observation

If you need the number of detectors in the local TOD block self.tod, use either n_detectors or self.tod.shape[0].

property n_samples_global

Samples in the whole observation

If you need the time-lenght of the local TOD block self.tod, use either n_samples or self.tod.shape[1].

property sampling_rate_hz
set_n_blocks(n_blocks_det=1, n_blocks_time=1)

Change the number of blocks

  • n_blocks_det (int) – new number of blocks in the detector direction

  • n_blocks_time (int) – new number of blocks in the time direction

setattr_det(name, info)

Add a piece of information about the detectors

Store info as the attribute name of the observation. The difference with respect to self.name = info, relevant only in MPI programs, are

  • info is assumed to contain a number of elements equal to self.tod.shape[0] and to have the same order (info[i] is a property of self.tod[i])

  • When changing n_blocks_det, set_n_blocks() is aware of name and will redistribute info in such a way that self.name[i] is a property of self.tod[i] in the new block distribution

  • name (str) – Name of the detector information

  • info (array) – Information to be stored in the attribute name. The array must contain one entry for each local detector.

setattr_det_global(name, info, root=0)

Add a piece of information on the detectors

Variant of setattr_det() to be used when the information comes from a single MPI rank (root). In particular,

  • In the root process, info is required to have n_detectors_global elements (not self.tod.shape[1]). For other processes info is irrelevant

  • info is scattered from the root rank to the relevant processes in self.comm so that self.name will have self.tod.shape[0] elements on all the processes and self.name[i] is a property of self.tod[i]

  • When changing n_blocks_det, set_n_blocks() is aware of name and will redistribute info in such a way that self.name[i] is a property of self.tod[i] in the new block distribution

  • name (str) – Name of the information

  • info (array) – Array containing n_detectors_global entries. Relevant only for thr root process

  • root (int) – Rank of the root process