Synthetic sky maps

The LiteBIRD Simulation Framework provides the tools necessary to produce synthetic maps of the sky. These maps are useful for a number of applications:

  1. The framework can synthetize realistic detector measurements and assemble them in Time Ordered Data (TOD).

  2. One can run map-based simulations without the need to generate timelines: although less accurate than a full end-to-end simulation, this approach has the advantage of being much faster and requiring less resources.

The LiteBIRD Simulation Framework uses the PySM3 library to generate these sky maps; it is advisable that you keep the PySM3 manual at hand when you use the modules described in this chapter.

Here is an example showing how to use the facilities provided by the framework to generate a CMB map:

import litebird_sim as lbs

sim = lbs.Simulation(base_path="../output", random_seed=12345)
params = lbs.MbsParameters(
    fg_models=["pysm_synch_0", "pysm_freefree_1"],
mbs = lbs.Mbs(
(healpix_maps, file_paths) = mbs.run_all()

import healpy

In the dictionary containing the maps Mbs returns also two useful variables:

  • The coordinates of the generated maps, in the key Coordinates

  • The parameters used for the syntetic map generation, in the key Mbs_parameters

If store_alms in MbsParameters is True, run_all returns alms instead of pixel space maps. The user can set the maximum multipole of these alms with lmax_alms, the default value is \(4\times N_{side}\). If gaussian_smooth is False, umbeamed maps or alms are returned.

Available emission models

The list of foreground models currently available for the fg_models parameter of the MbsParameters class is the following:

  • Anomalous emission:

    • pysm_ame_1

  • Dust:

    • pysm_dust_0

    • pysm_dust_1

    • pysm_dust_4

    • pysm_dust_5

    • pysm_dust_7

    • pysm_dust_8

  • Free-free:

    • pysm_freefree_1

  • Synchrotron:

    • pysm_synch_0

    • pysm_synch_1

Monte Carlo simulations

To be written!

API reference

class litebird_sim.mbs.mbs.Mbs(simulation, parameters: Dict[str, Any] | str | MbsParameters = MbsParameters(nside=512, save=False, gaussian_smooth=False, bandpass_int=False, coadd=True, parallel_mc=False, make_noise=False, nmc_noise=1, seed_noise=None, n_split=False, make_cmb=True, cmb_ps_file='', cmb_r=0.0, nmc_cmb=1, seed_cmb=None, make_fg=False, fg_models=None, make_dipole=False, sun_velocity=None, output_string='date_240315', units='K_CMB', maps_in_ecliptic=False, store_alms=False, lmax_alms=2048), instrument=None, detector_list=None, channel_list=None)

Bases: object

A class that generates sky maps.

This class is used to generate synthetic maps of the sky starting from the definition of a set of frequency channels and detectors.

The class uses PySM3 to generate the maps. The parameters used to set up the way sky components are generated are passed through an instance to a MbsParameters class, like in the following example:

import litebird_sim as lbs

sim = lbs.Simulation()
params = lbs.MbsParameters(make_cmb=True)
mbs = lbs.Mbs(
(healpix_maps, file_paths) = mbs.run_all()

Call PySM and generate the sky maps

It returns a pair (maps, saved_maps), where maps is a dictionary associating channels to NumPy arrays containing the maps, and saved_maps is a list of MbsSavedMapInfo objects pointing to the FITS files containing the maps.

class litebird_sim.mbs.mbs.MbsParameters(nside: int = 512, save: bool = False, gaussian_smooth: bool = False, bandpass_int: bool = False, coadd: bool | None = None, parallel_mc: bool = False, make_noise: bool = False, nmc_noise: int = 1, seed_noise: int | None = None, n_split: int | bool = False, make_cmb: bool = True, cmb_ps_file: str = '', cmb_r: float = 0.0, nmc_cmb: int = 1, seed_cmb: int | None = None, make_fg: bool = False, fg_models: Dict[str, Any] | None = None, make_dipole: bool = False, sun_velocity: list | None = None, output_string: str | None = None, units: str = 'K_CMB', maps_in_ecliptic: bool = False, store_alms: bool = False, lmax_alms: int | None = None)

Bases: object

A class that specifies how sky maps should be generated by PySM3

This class is used to specify how an instance the Mbs class generates sky maps. You can choose to include the following components in the maps:

  • CMB signal (use make_cmb=True);

  • Foreground signal (use make_fg=True);

  • Solar dipole signal (use make_dipole=True)

  • Noise (use make_noise=True); this should be used only when running map-based simulations, because if you are creating time-ordered data, chances are that you want to inject noise directly in the timelines.

The full list of parameters and their default values are listed here:

  • nside (default: 512): value of the NSIDE parameter to use when creating the maps

  • save (default: False): when True, Healpix maps are saved as FITS files in the output path (specified by a Simulation object)

  • gaussian_smooth (default: False): when True, maps are smoothed using a Gaussian beam whose width is the FWHM of the frequency channel.

  • bandpass_int (default: False): when True, maps are integrated over the bandpass of each detector

  • coadd (default: None): when True, maps are coadded

  • parallel_mc (default: False): when True, Monte Carlo realizations are computed in parallel using MPI

  • make_noise (default: False): when True, noise maps are generated and added to the final result;

  • nmc_noise (default: 1): number of Monte Carlo runs for noise maps

  • seed_noise (default: None): when specified, it must be a positive integer number used as the seed of the pseudo-random number generator

  • n_split (default: False): when specified as an integer, number of splits used to generate noise maps

  • make_cmb (default: True): when True, a CMB map is generated and added to the final result

  • cmb_ps_file (default: ""): if specified, it must be the path to a FITS file containing the CMB power spectrum to be used to generate the CMB map

  • cmb_r (default: 0.0): value of the tensor-to-scalar ratio to be used when generating the CMB map

  • nmc_cmb (default: 1): number of Monte Carlo realizations for CMB maps

  • seed_cmb (default: None): if specified as an integer, the seed used to initialize the random number generator used to create a CMB realization

  • make_fg` (default: ``False): when True, a foreground map is generated and added to the maps

  • fg_models (default: None): this specifies the foreground models as a list of strings, each specifying a foreground component. Alternatively, it can be provided as a dictionary which associates a name to a component, e.g., {"ame": "pysm_ame_1"}.

  • make_dipole` (default: ``False): when True, a solar dipole map is added to the maps

  • sun_velocity (default: None): this list specifies the direction, latitude (rad) and longitude (rad) in galactic coordinates, and the amplitude in Km/s of the dipole.If None these values are taken .constants. The dipole implemented is the “Linear approximation in β using thermodynamic units” as in :class:.dipole.DipoleType.

  • output_string (default: ""): a string used to build the file names of the Healpix FITS files saved by the Mbs class.

  • units (default: K_CMB): string used to specify the measurement unit of the pixels in the maps generated by the Mbs class. It follows the naming of the pysm3 units, e.g. “K_CMB” / “K_RJ” / “uK_CMB” / “uK_RJ”

  • maps_in_ecliptic (default: False): when True the maps contained in the dictionary returned by Mbs.run_all are converted in ecliptic coordinates using the healpy routine rotate_map_alms

  • store_alms (default: False): when True the maps contained in the dictionary returned by Mbs.run_all are stored as alms computed by the healpy routine map2alm assuming iter=0 If you want unbeamed alms set gaussian_smooth = False

  • lmax_alms (defuaul: 4 x nside): lmax assumed in the alm computation and in the rotation to ecliptic coordinates performed by rotate_map_alms

bandpass_int: bool = False
cmb_ps_file: str = ''
cmb_r: float = 0.0
coadd: bool | None = None
fg_models: Dict[str, Any] | None = None
static from_dict(dictionary)

Create a MbsParameters instance from a dictionary

Typically, the dictionary passed to this static method should be taken from a TOML file, possibly through the param field of a Simulation object, like in the following example:

import litebird_sim as lbs

sim = lbs.Simulation(parameter_file="config.toml")
mbs_params = lbs.MbsParameters.from_dict(sim.params.["mbs_params"])
gaussian_smooth: bool = False
lmax_alms: int | None = None
make_cmb: bool = True
make_dipole: bool = False
make_fg: bool = False
make_noise: bool = False
maps_in_ecliptic: bool = False
n_split: int | bool = False
nmc_cmb: int = 1
nmc_noise: int = 1
nside: int = 512
output_string: str | None = None
parallel_mc: bool = False
save: bool = False
seed_cmb: int | None = None
seed_noise: int | None = None
store_alms: bool = False
sun_velocity: list | None = None
units: str = 'K_CMB'
class litebird_sim.mbs.mbs.MbsSavedMapInfo(path: Path | None = None, component: str = '', channel: str | None = None, mc_num: int | None = None)

Bases: object

Information about a map saved by the Mbs class

Instances of this class are usually returned by the method Mbs.run_all(). They have the following fields:

  • path: a pathlib.Path object representing the Healpix FITS map saved on disk

  • component: a string identifying the component; possible values are cmb, fg, noise, and coadded.

  • channel: the name of the frequency channel (it is None for CMB maps)

  • mc_num: it can either be None or the number of a Monte Carlo realization

channel: str | None = None
component: str = ''
mc_num: int | None = None
path: Path | None = None