
The LiteBIRD Simulation Framework is built on the Simulation class, which should be instantiated in any pipeline built using this framework. The class acts as a container for the many analysis modules available to the user, and it offers the following features:

  1. Provenance model;

  2. Interface with the instrument database;

  3. System abstractions;

  4. Generation of reports;

  5. Printing status messages on the terminal (logging).

Provenance model

A «provenance model» is, generally speaking, a way to track the history and origin of a data set by recording the following information:

  1. Who or what created the dataset?

  2. Which algorithm or instrumentation was used to produce it?

  3. Which steps were undertaken to process the raw data?

  4. How can one get access to the raw samples used to produce the dataset?

The LiteBIRD Simulation Framework tracks these information using parameter files (in TOML format), accessing the LiteBIRD Instrument Model (IMO) through the unique identifiers provided by the Data Access Layer (DAL), and generating reports after the simulation completes.

Parameter files

When you run a simulation, there are typically plenty of parameters that need to be passed to the code: the resolution of an output map, the names of the detectors to simulate, whether to include synchrotron emission in the sky model, etc.

The Simulation class eases this task by accepting the path to a TOML file as a parameter (parameter_file). Specifying this parameter triggers two actions:

  1. The file is copied to the output directory where the simulation output files are going to be written (i.e., the same that contains report.html);

  2. The file is read and made available in the field Simulation.parameters (a Python dictionary).

Using a parameter file is optional; if you do not specify parameter_file while creating a Simulation object, the parameters field will be set to an empty dictionary. (You can even directly pass a dictionary to a Simulation object: this can be handy if you already constructed a parameter object somewhere else.)

Take this example of a simple TOML file:

# This is file "my_conf.toml"
random_seed = 12345

nside = 512
imo_version = "v1.3"

components = ["synchrotron", "dust", "cmb"]

The following example loads the TOML file and prints its contents to the terminal:

import litebird_sim as lbs

sim = lbs.Simulation(parameter_file="my_conf.toml")

print("Seed for the random number generator:",
print("NSIDE =", sim.parameters["general"]["nside"])
print("The IMO I'm going to use is",

print("Here are the sky components I'm going to simulate:")
for component in sim.parameters["sky_model"]["components"]:
    print("-", component)

The output of the script is the following:

Seed for the random number generator: 12345
NSIDE = 512
The IMO I'm going to use is v1.3
Here are the sky components I'm going to simulate:
- synchrotron
- dust
- cmb

A Simulation object only interprets the section simulation and leaves everything else unevaluated: it’s up to the simulation modules to make sense of any other section. The recognized parameters in the section named simulation are the following:

  • base_path: a string containing the path where to save the results of the simulation.

  • start_time: the start time of the simulation. If it is a string or a TOML datetime, it will be passed to the constructor for astropy.time.Time, otherwise it must be a floating-point value.

  • duration_s: a floating-point number specifying how many seconds the simulation should last. You can pass a string, which can contain a measurement unit as well: in this case, you are not forced to specify the duration in seconds. Valid units are: days (or day), hours (or hour), min, and sec (or s).

  • name: a string containing the name of the simulation.

  • description: a string containing a (possibly long) description of what the simulation does.

  • random_seed: the seed for the random number generator. An integer value ensures the reproducibility of the results obtained with random numbers; by passing None there will not be the possibility to re-obtain the same outputs. You can find more details in Random numbers in litebird_sim.

  • numba_num_of_threads: number of threads used by Numba when running a parallel calculation.

  • numba_threading_layer: the multi-threading library to be used by Numba for parallel computations. See the Numba user’s manual to check which choices are available.

These parameters can be used instead of the keywords in the constructor of the Simulation class. Consider the following code:

sim = lbs.Simulation(
    name="My simulation",
    description="A long description should be put here",

You can achieve the same if you create a TOML file named foo.toml that contains the following lines:

base_path = "/storage/output"
start_time = 2020-02-01T10:30:00
duration_s = 3600.0
name = "My simulation"
description = "A long description should be put here"
random_seed = 12345
numba_num_of_threads = 4
numba_threading_layer = "workqueue"

and then you initialize the sim variable in your Python code as follows:

sim = lbs.Simulation(parameter_file="foo.toml")

A nice feature of the framework is that the duration of the mission must not be specified in seconds. You would achieve identical results if you specify the duration in one of the following ways:

# All of these are the same
duration_s = "1 hour"
duration_s = "60 min"
duration_s = "3600 s"

Interface with the instrument database

To simulation LiteBIRD’s data acquisition, the simulation code must be aware of the characteristics of the instrument. These are specified in the LiteBIRD Instrument Model (IMO) database, which can be accessed by people with sufficient rights. This Simulation Framework has the ability to access the database and take the input parameters necessary for its analysis modules to produce the expected output.

System abstractions

In some cases, simulations must be ran on HPC computers, distributing the job on many processing units; in other cases, a simple laptop might be enough. The LiteBIRD Simulation Framework uses MPI to parallelize its codes, which is however an optional dependency: the code can be ran serially.

If you want to use MPI in your scripts, assuming that you have created a virtual environment as explained in the Tutorial, you have just to install mpi4py:

$ pip install mpi4py

# Always do this after "pip install", it will record the
# version number of mpi4py and all the other libraries
# you have installed in your virtual environment
$ pip freeze > requirements.txt

# Run the program using 4 processes
$ mpiexec -n 4 python3

The framework will detect the presence of mpi4py, and it will automatically use distributed algorithms where applicable; otherwise, serial algorithms will be used. You can configure this while creating a Simulation object:

import litebird_sim as lbs
import mpi4py

# This simulation *must* be ran using MPI
sim = lbs.Simulation(mpi_comm=mpi4py.MPI.COMM_WORLD, random_seed=12345)

The framework sets a number of variables related to MPI; these variables are always defined, even if MPI is not available, and they can be used to make the code work in serial environments too. If your code must be able to run both with and without MPI, you should initialize a Simulation object using the variable MPI_COMM_WORLD, which is either mpi4py.MPI.COMM_WORLD (the default MPI communicator) or a dummy class if MPI is disabled:

import litebird_sim as lbs

# This simulation can take advantage of MPI if present,
# otherwise it will stick to serial execution
sim = lbs.Simulation(mpi_comm=lbs.MPI_COMM_WORLD, random_seed=12345)

See the page Multithreading and MPI for more information.

Generation of reports

This section should explain how reports can be generated, first from the perspective of a library user, and then describing how developers can generate plots for their own modules.

Here is an example, showing several advanced topics like mathematical formulae, plots, and value substitution:

import litebird_sim as lbs
import matplotlib.pylab as plt

sim = lbs.Simulation(
    name="My simulation",
data_points = [0, 1, 2, 3]

fig = plt.gcf()

Here is a formula for $`f(x)`$:

f(x) = \sin x

And here is a completely unrelated plot:


The data points have the following values:
{% for sample in data_points %}
- {{ sample }}
{% endfor %}
''', figures=[(fig, "myplot.png")],


And here is the output, which is saved in output/report.html:



The report generation tools described above are useful to produce a synthetic report of the scientific outcomes of a simulation. However, one often wants to monitor the execution of the code in a more detailed manner, checking which functions have been called, how often, etc. In this case, the best option is to write messages to the terminal. Python provides the logging module for this purpose, and when you initialize a Simulation object, the module is initialized with a set of sensible defaults. In your code you can use the functions debug, info, warning, error, and critical to monitor what’s happening during execution:

import litebird_sim as lbs
import logging as log       # "log" is shorter to write
my_sim = lbs.Simulation(random_seed=12345)"the simulation starts here!")
pi = 3.15
if pi != 3.14:
    log.error("wrong value of pi!")

The output of the code above is the following:

[2020-07-18 06:25:27,653 INFO] the simulation starts here!
[2020-07-18 06:25:27,653 ERROR] wrong value of pi!

Note that the messages are prepended with the date, time, and level of severity of the message.

A few environment variables can taylor the way logging is done:

  • LOG_DEBUG: by default, debug messages are not printed to the terminal, because they are often too verbose for typical uses. If you want to debug your code, set a non-empty value to this variable.

  • LOG_ALL_MPI: by default, if you are using MPI then only messages from the process running with rank 0 will be printed. Setting this environment variable will make all the processes print their message to the terminal. (Caution: there might be overlapping messages, if two processes happen to write at the same time.)

The way you use these variable from the terminal is illustrated with an example. Suppose that we changed our example above, so that log.debug is called instead of

import litebird_sim as lbs
import logging as log  # "log" is shorter to write

my_sim = lbs.Simulation(random_seed=12345)
log.debug("the simulation starts here!")
pi = 3.15
if pi != 3.14:
    log.debug("wrong value of pi!")

In this case, running the script will produce no messages, as the default is to skip log.debug calls:

$ python

However, running the script with the environment variable LOG_DEBUG set will make the messages appear:

$ LOG_DEBUG=1 python
[2020-07-18 06:31:03,223 DEBUG] the simulation starts here!
[2020-07-18 06:31:03,224 DEBUG] wrong value of pi!

Monitoring MPI processes

When using MPI, the method Simulation.create_observations() distributes detectors and time spans over all the available MPI processes. The Simulation class provides a method that enables the user to inspect how the TOD has been split among the many MPI processes: Simulation.describe_mpi_distribution().

The method must be called at the same time on all the MPI processess, once you have successfully called Simulation.create_observations():

import litebird_sim as lbs

# Be sure to create a `Simulation` object and create
# the observations:
#     sim = lbs.Simulation(…)
#     sim.create_observations(…)

# Now ask the framework to report how it's using each MPI process
descr = sim.describe_mpi_distribution()

The return type for Simulation.describe_mpi_distribution() is MpiDistributionDescr, which can be printed on the spot using print(descr). The result looks like the following example:

# MPI rank #1

## Observation #0
- Start time: 0.0
- Duration: 21600.0 s
- 1 detector(s) (0A)
- TOD(s): tod
- TOD shape: 1×216000
- Types of the TODs: float64

## Observation #1
- Start time: 43200.0
- Duration: 21600.0 s
- 1 detector(s) (0A)
- TOD(s): tod
- TOD shape: 1×216000
- Types of the TODs: float64

# MPI rank #2

## Observation #0
- Start time: 21600.0
- Duration: 21600.0 s
- 1 detector(s) (0A)
- TOD(s): tod
- TOD shape: 1×216000
- Types of the TODs: float64

## Observation #1
- Start time: 64800.0
- Duration: 21600.0 s
- 1 detector(s) (0A)
- TOD(s): tod
- TOD shape: 1×216000
- Types of the TODs: float64

# MPI rank #3

## Observation #0
- Start time: 0.0
- Duration: 21600.0 s
- 1 detector(s) (0B)
- TOD(s): tod
- TOD shape: 1×216000
- Types of the TODs: float64

## Observation #1
- Start time: 43200.0
- Duration: 21600.0 s
- 1 detector(s) (0B)
- TOD(s): tod
- TOD shape: 1×216000
- Types of the TODs: float64

# MPI rank #4

## Observation #0
- Start time: 21600.0
- Duration: 21600.0 s
- 1 detector(s) (0B)
- TOD(s): tod
- TOD shape: 1×216000
- Types of the TODs: float64

## Observation #1
- Start time: 64800.0
- Duration: 21600.0 s
- 1 detector(s) (0B)
- TOD(s): tod
- TOD shape: 1×216000
- Types of the TODs: float64

The class MpiDistributionDescr contains a list of MpiProcessDescr, which describe the «contents» of each MPI process. The most important field in each MpiProcessDescr instance is observations, which is a list of MpiObservationDescr objects: it contains the size of the TOD array, the names of the detectors, and other useful information. Refer to the documentation of each class to know what is inside.

High level interface

The class Simulation has a powerfull high level interface that allows to quickly generate a scanning strategy allocate the observations, generate simulated timelines cointaing signal, noise and dipole, build maps, and save(read) the entire simulation object. The syntax is straightforward:

sim = lbs.Simulation(...)




result = sim.make_destriped_map(nside=nside)


See the documentation in Observations, Scanning strategy Dipole anisotropy, Time Ordered Simulations, Map-making for details of the single functions.

Data splits

Since the class Simulation is interfaced to litebird_sim.make_binned_map(), it is able to provide data splits both in time and detector space (see Map-making for more details on the splitting and the available options). In addition, the class contains Simulation.make_binned_map_splits(), which is a wrapper around litebird_sim.make_binned_map() that allows to perform the mapmaking on multiple choices of splits at once (passed as a list of strings). Indeed, the function will loop over the cartesian product of the time and detector splits. The default behavior is to perform the mapmaking in each combination and save the result to disk, to avoid memory issues. In particular, only the binned maps are saved to disk, unless you set include_inv_covariance to True. This saves the elements of the inverse covariance as extra fields in the output FITS file. This default behavior can be changed by setting the write_to_disk parameter to False. Then, the function returns a dictionary containing the full results of the mapmaking for each split. The keys are strings that describe the split in the format “{Dsplit}_{Tsplit}”, such as “waferL00_year1”.

Before performing the computation, the function Simulation.check_valid_splits() will check whether the requested split is valid (see Map-making). This is a wrapper around litebird_sim.check_valid_splits(). If the split is not valid, the function will raise a ValueError. In addition, it will check whether the requested split is compatible with the duration of the observation and with the detector list. Thus, for example, if the observation lasts 1 year, the split “year2” will raise an AsserionError. Similarly, if the observation is performed with some detector contained in the L00 wafer, the split “waferL03” will also raise an AsserionError.

API reference

class litebird_sim.simulations.MpiDistributionDescr(num_of_observations: int, detectors: List[DetectorInfo], mpi_processes: List[MpiProcessDescr])

Bases: object

A class that describes how observations are distributed among MPI processes

The fields defined in this dataclass are the following:

  • num_of_observations (int): overall number of observations in all the MPI processes

  • detectors (list of DetectorInfo objects): list of all the detectors used in the observations

  • mpi_processes: list of MpiProcessDescr instances, describing the kind of data that each MPI process is currently holding

Use Simulation.describe_mpi_distribution() to get an instance of this object.

detectors: List[DetectorInfo]
mpi_processes: List[MpiProcessDescr]
num_of_observations: int
class litebird_sim.simulations.MpiObservationDescr(det_names: List[str], tod_names: List[str], tod_shape: Tuple[int, int] | None, tod_dtype: List[str], tod_description: List[str], start_time: float | Time, duration_s: float, num_of_samples: int, num_of_detectors: int)

Bases: object

This class is used within MpiProcessDescr. It describes the kind and size of the data held by a Observation object.

Its fields are:

  • det_names (list of str): names of the detectors handled by this observation

  • tod_names (list of str): names of the fields containing the TODs (e.g., tod, cmb_tod, dipole_tod, …)

  • tod_shape (tuples of int): shape of each TOD held by the observation. This is not a list, because all the TODs are assumed to have the same shape

  • tod_dtype (list of str): string representing the NumPy data type of each TODs, in the same order as in the field tod_name

  • tod_description (list of str): list of human-readable descriptions for each TOD, in the same order as in the field tod_name

  • start_time (either a float or a astropy.time.Time): start date of the observation

  • duration_s (float): duration of the TOD in seconds

  • num_of_samples (int): number of samples held by this TOD

  • num_of_detectors (int): number of detectors held by this TOD. It’s the length of the field det_names (see above)

det_names: List[str]
duration_s: float
num_of_detectors: int
num_of_samples: int
start_time: float | Time
tod_description: List[str]
tod_dtype: List[str]
tod_names: List[str]
tod_shape: Tuple[int, int] | None
class litebird_sim.simulations.MpiProcessDescr(mpi_rank: int, numba_num_of_threads: int, observations: List[MpiObservationDescr])

Bases: object

Description of the kind of data held by a MPI process

This class is used within MpiDistributionDescr. Its fields are:

  • mpi_rank: rank of the MPI process described by this instance

  • observations: list of MpiObservationDescr objects, each describing one observation managed by the MPI process with rank mpi_rank.

  • numba_num_of_threads (int): number of threads used by Numba

    in the MPI process with rank mpi_rank.

mpi_rank: int
numba_num_of_threads: int
observations: List[MpiObservationDescr]
class litebird_sim.simulations.OutputFileRecord(path, description)

Bases: tuple


Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 0

class litebird_sim.simulations.Simulation(random_seed='', base_path=None, name=None, mpi_comm=<litebird_sim.mpi._SerialMpiCommunicator object>, description='', start_time=None, duration_s=None, imo=None, parameter_file=None, parameters=None, numba_threads=None, numba_threading_layer=None)

Bases: object

A container object for running simulations

This is the most important class in the Litebird_sim framework. It initializes an output directory that will contain all the products of a simulation and will handle the generation of reports and writing of output files.

Be sure to call Simulation.flush() when the simulation is completed. This ensures that all the information are saved to disk before the completion of your script.

You can access the fields base_path, name, mpi_comm, and description in the Simulation object:

sim = litebird_sim.Simulation(name="My simulation")
print(f"Running {}, saving results in {sim.base_path}")

The member variable observations is a list of Observation objects, which is initialized by the method create_observations().

This class keeps track of any output file saved in base_path through the member variable self.list_of_outputs. This is a list of objects of type OutputFileRecord(), which are 2-tuples of the form (path, description), where path is a pathlib.Path object and description is a str object:

for curpath, curdescr in sim.list_of_outputs:
    print(f"{curpath}: {curdescr}")

When pointing information is needed, you can call the method Simulation.set_scanning_strategy(), which initializes the members pointing_freq_hz and spin2ecliptic_quats; these members are used by functions like get_pointings().

  • random_seed (int or None) – the seed used for the random number generator. The user is required to set this parameter. By setting it to None, the generation of random numbers will not be reproducible.

  • base_path (str or pathlib.Path) – the folder that will contain the output. If this folder does not exist and the user has sufficient rights, it will be created.

  • name (str) – a string identifying the simulation. This will be used in the reports.

  • mpi_comm – either None (do not use MPI) or a MPI communicator object, like mpi4py.MPI.COMM_WORLD.

  • description (str) – a (possibly long) description of the simulation, to be put in the report saved in base_path).

  • start_time (float or astropy.time.Time) – the start time of the simulation. It can be either an arbitrary floating-point number (e.g., 0) or an astropy.time.Time instance; in the latter case, this triggers a more precise (and slower) computation of pointing information.

  • duration_s (float) – Number of seconds the simulation should last.

  • imo (Imo) – an instance of the Imo class. If not provided, the default constructor will be called, which means that the IMO to be used will be the default one configured using the install_imo program.

  • parameter_file (str or pathlib.Path) – path to a TOML file that contains the parameters for the simulation. This file will be copied into base_path, and its contents will be read into the field parameters (a Python dictionary).

  • numba_threads (int) – number of threads to use when calling Numba functions. If no value is passed but the environment variable OMP_NUM_THREADS is set, its value will be used; otherwise a number of threads equal to the number of CPU cores will be used.

  • numba_threading_layer (str) – name of the Numba threading layer to use. See the Numba User’s Manual: <>

add_dipole(t_cmb_k: float = 2.72548, dipole_type: DipoleType = DipoleType.TOTAL_FROM_LIN_T, append_to_report: bool = True, component: str = 'tod')

Fills the tod with dipole.

This method must be called after having set the scanning strategy, the instrument, the list of detectors to simulate through calls to set_instrument() and add_detector(), and the pointing through compute_pointings().

add_noise(random: Generator, noise_type: str = 'one_over_f', append_to_report: bool = True, component: str = 'tod')

Adds noise to tods.

This method must be called after having set the instrument, the list of detectors to simulate through calls to set_instrument() and add_detector(). The parameter random must be specified and must be a random number generator thatimplements the normal method. You should typically use the random field of a Simulation object for this.

append_to_report(markdown_text: str, append_newline=True, figures: List[Tuple[Any, str]] = [], **kwargs)

Append text and figures to the simulation report

  • markdown_text (str) – text to be appended to the report.

  • append_newline (bool) – append newlines to the end of the text. This ensures that calling again this method will produce a separate paragraph.

  • figures (list of 2-tuples) – list of Matplotlib figures to be saved in the report. Each tuple must contain one figure and one filename. The figures will be saved using the specified file name in the output directory. The file name must match the one used as reference in the Markdown text.

  • kwargs – any other keyword argument will be used to expand the text markdown_text using the Jinja2 library library.

A Simulation class can generate reports in Markdown format. Use this function to add some text to the report, possibly including figures. The function has no effect if called from an MPI rank different from #0.

It is possible to use objects other than Matplotlib figures. The only method this function calls is savefig, with no arguments.

Images are saved immediately during the call, but the text will be written to disk only when flush() is called.

You can put LaTeX formulae in the text, using $`...`$ for inline equations and the math tag in fenced text for displayed equations.

apply_gaindrift(drift_params: GainDriftParams | None = None, user_seed: int = 12345, component: str = 'tod', append_to_report: bool = True)

A method to apply the gain drift to the observation.

This is a wrapper around apply_gaindrift_to_observations() that injects gain drift to a list of Observation instance.

  • drift_params (GainDriftParams, optional) – The gain drift injection parameters object. Defaults to None.

  • user_seed (int, optional) – A seed provided by the user. Defaults to 12345.

  • component (str, optional) – The name of the TOD on which the gain drift has to be injected. Defaults to “tod”.

  • append_to_report (bool, optional) – Defaults to True.

check_valid_splits(detector_splits, time_splits)

Wrapper around litebird_sim.check_valid_splits(). Checks that the splits are valid on the observations.

compute_pointings(append_to_report: bool = True, dtype_pointing=<class 'numpy.float32'>)

Trigger the computation of pointings.

This method must be called after having set the scanning strategy, the instrument, and the list of detectors to simulate through calls to set_instrument() and add_detector(). It combines the quaternions of the spacecraft, of the instrument, and of the detectors and sets the fields pointings, psi, and pointing_coords in each observation owned by the simulation.

compute_pos_and_vel(delta_time_s=86400.0, solar_velocity_km_s: float = 369.816, solar_velocity_gal_lat_rad: float = 0.842173724, solar_velocity_gal_lon_rad: float = 4.6080357444)

Computes the position and the velocity of the spacescraft for computing the dipole. It wraps the SpacecraftOrbit and calls SpacecraftOrbit(). The parameters that can be modified are the sampling of position and velocity and the direction and amplitude of the solar dipole. Default values for solar dipole from Planck 2018 Solar dipole (see arxiv: 1807.06207)

create_observations(detectors: ~typing.List[~litebird_sim.detectors.DetectorInfo], num_of_obs_per_detector: int = 1, split_list_over_processes=True, n_blocks_det=1, n_blocks_time=1, root=0, dtype_tod: ~typing.Any | None = None, tods: ~typing.List[~litebird_sim.observations.TodDescription] = [TodDescription(name='tod', dtype=<class 'numpy.float32'>, description='Signal')])

Create a set of Observation objects.

This method initializes the Simulation.observations field of the class with a list of observations referring to the detectors listed in detectors. By default there is one observation per detector, but you can tune the number using the parameter num_of_obs_per_detector: this is useful if you are simulating a long experiment in a MPI job.

If split_list_over_processes is set to True (the default), the set of observations will be distributed evenly among the MPI processes associated with self.mpi_comm (initialized in Simulation.__init__()). If split_list_over_processes is False, then no distribution will happen: this can be useful if you are running a MPI job but you want to take care of the actual distribution of the observations among the MPI workers instead of relying on the default distribution algorithm.

Each observation can hold information about more than one detector; the parameters n_blocks_det specify how many groups of detectors will be created. For instance, if you are simulating 10 detectors and you specify n_blocks_det=5, this means that each observation will handle 10 / 5 = 2 detectors. The default is that all the detectors be kept together (n_blocks_det=1).

The parameter n_blocks_time specifies the number of time splits of the observations. In the case of a 3-month-long observation, n_blocks_time=3 means that each observation will cover one month.

The parameter tods specifies how many TOD arrays should be created. Each element should be an instance of TodDescription and contain the fields name (the name of the member variable that will be created), dtype (the NumPy type to use, like numpy.float32), and description (a free-form description). The default is numpy.float32, which should be adequate for LiteBIRD’s purposes; if you want greater accuracy at the expense of doubling memory occupation, choose numpy.float64.

If you specify dtype_tod, this will be used as the parameter for each TOD specified in tods, overriding the value of dtype. This keyword is kept for legacy reasons but should be avoided in newer code.

Here is an example that creates three TODs:

    [det1, det2],
            description="Foregrounds (computed by PySM)",
            description="CMB realization following Planck (2018)",
            description="Noise TOD (only white noise, no 1/f)",

# Now you can access these fields:
# - sim.fg_tod
# - sim.cmb_tod
# - sim.noise_tod
describe_mpi_distribution() MpiDistributionDescr | None

Return a MpiDistributionDescr object describing observations

This method returns a MpiDistributionDescr that describes the data stored in each MPI process running concurrently. It is a great debugging tool when you are using MPI, and it can be used for tasks where you have to carefully orchestrate they way different MPI processes run together.

If this method is called before Simulation.create_observations(), it will return None.

This method should be called by all the MPI processes. It can be executed in a serial environment (i.e., without MPI) and will still return meaningful values.

The typical usage for this method is to call it once you have called Simulation.create_observations() to check that the TODs have been laid in memory in the way you expect:

distr = sim.describe_mpi_distribution()
if litebird_sim.MPI_COMM_WORLD.rank == 0:
distribute_workload(observations: List[Observation])
fill_tods(maps: Dict[str, ndarray], input_map_in_galactic: bool = True, component: str = 'tod', interpolation: str | None = '', append_to_report: bool = True)

Fills the TODs, scanning a map.

This method must be called after having set the scanning strategy, the instrument, the list of detectors to simulate through calls to set_instrument() and add_detector(), and the methond compute_pointings. maps is assumed to be produced by Mbs

flush(include_git_diff=True, base_imo_url: str = '')

Terminate a simulation.

This function must be called when a simulation is complete. It will save pending data to the output directory.

It returns a Path object pointing to the HTML file that has been saved in the directory pointed by self.base_path.

generate_spin2ecl_quaternions(scanning_strategy: None | ScanningStrategy = None, imo_url: None | str = None, delta_time_s: float = 60.0, append_to_report=True)

Deprecated since version 0.9: Use set_scanning_strategy

get_list_of_tods() List[TodDescription]
get_tod_descriptions() List[str]
get_tod_dtypes() List[Any]
get_tod_names() List[str]

Initialize a random number generator in the random field

This function creates a random number generator and saves it in the field random. It should be used whenever a random number generator is needed in the simulation. In the case random_seed has not been set to None, it ensures that different MPI processes have their own different seed, which stems from the parameter random_seed, and the results will be reproducible. The generator is PCG64, and it is ensured that the sequences in each MPI process are independent. If init_random is called with the same seed but a different number of MPI ranks, the sequence of random numbers will be different. In the case random_seed has been set to None, no seed will be used and the results obtained with the random number generator will not be reproducible.

This method is automatically called in the constructor, but it can be called again as many times as required. The typical case is when one wants to use a seed that has been read from a parameter file.

make_binned_map(nside: int, output_coordinate_system: CoordinateSystem = CoordinateSystem.Galactic, components: List[str] | None = None, detector_split: str = 'full', time_split: str = 'full', append_to_report: bool = True) BinnerResult

Bins the tods of sim.observations into maps. The syntax mimics the one of litebird_sim.make_binned_map()

make_binned_map_splits(nside: int, output_coordinate_system: CoordinateSystem = CoordinateSystem.Galactic, components: List[str] | None = None, detector_splits: str | List[str] = 'full', time_splits: str | List[str] = 'full', append_to_report: bool = True, write_to_disk: bool = True, include_inv_covariance: bool = False) List[str] | dict[str, litebird_sim.mapmaking.binner.BinnerResult]

Wrapper around make_binned_map() that allows to obtain all the splits from the cartesian product of the requested detector and time splits. Here, those can be either strings or lists of strings. The method will return a list of filenames where the maps have been written to disk (include_inv_covariance allows to save also the inverse covariance). Alternatively, setting write_to_disk=False, it will return a dictionary with the results, where the keys are the strings obtained by joining the detector and time splits with an underscore.

make_destriped_map(nside: int, params: ~litebird_sim.mapmaking.destriper.DestriperParameters = DestriperParameters(output_coordinate_system=<CoordinateSystem.Galactic: 2>, samples_per_baseline=100, iter_max=100, threshold=1e-07, use_preconditioner=True), components: ~typing.List[str] | None = None, keep_weights: bool = False, keep_pixel_idx: bool = False, keep_pol_angle_rad: bool = False, callback: ~typing.Any = <function destriper_log_callback>, callback_kwargs: ~typing.Dict[~typing.Any, ~typing.Any] | None = None, append_to_report: bool = True) DestriperResult

Bins the tods of sim.observations into maps. The syntax mimics the one of litebird_sim.make_binned_map()

read_observations(path: str | Path | None = None, subdir_name: None | str = 'tod', *args, **kwargs)

Read a list of observations from a set of files in a simulation

This function is a wrapper around the function read_list_of_observations(). It reads all the HDF5 files that are present in the directory whose name is subdir_name and is a child of path, and it stores them in the Simulation object sim.

If path is not specified, the default is to use the value of sim.base_path; this is meaningful if you are trying to read back HDF5 files that have been saved earlier in the same session.

set_hwp(hwp: HWP)

Set the HWP to be used in the simulation

The argument must be a class derived from HWP, for instance IdealHWP.

set_instrument(instrument: InstrumentInfo)

Set the instrument to be used in the simulation.

This function sets the self.instrument field to the instance of the class InstrumentInfo that has been passed as argument. The purpose of the instrument is to provide the reference frame for the direction of each detector.

Note that you should not simulate more than one instrument in the same simulation. This is enforced by the fact that if you call set_instrument twice, the second call will overwrite the instrument that was formerly set.

set_scanning_strategy(scanning_strategy: None | ScanningStrategy = None, imo_url: str | None = None, delta_time_s: float = 60.0, append_to_report: bool = True)

Simulate the motion of the spacecraft in free space

This method computes the quaternions that encode the evolution of the spacecraft’s orientation in time, assuming the scanning strategy described in the parameter scanning_strategy (an object of a class derived by ScanningStrategy; most likely, you want to use SpinningScanningStrategy). The result is saved in the member variable spin2ecliptic_quats, which is an instance of the class Spin2EclipticQuaternions.

You can choose to use the imo_url parameter instead of scanning_strategy: in this case, it will be assumed that you want to simulate a nominal, spinning scanning strategy, and the object in the IMO with address imo_url (e.g., /releases/v1.0/satellite/scanning_parameters/) describing the parameters of the scanning strategy will be loaded. In this case, a SpinningScanningStrategy object will be created automatically.

The parameter delta_time_s specifies how often should quaternions be computed; see ScanningStrategy.set_scanning_strategy() for more information.

If the parameter append_to_report is set to True (the default), some information about the pointings will be included in the report saved by the Simulation object. This will be done only if the process has rank #0.

write_healpix_map(filename: str, pixels, **kwargs) str

Save a Healpix map in the output folder

  • filename (str or pathlib.Path) – Name of the file. It must be a relative path, but it can include subdirectories.

  • pixels – array containing the pixels, or list of arrays if you want to save several maps into the same FITS table (e.g., I, Q, U components)


A pathlib.Path object containing the full path of the FITS file that has been saved.


import numpy as np

sim = Simulation(base_path="/storage/litebird/mysim")
pixels = np.zeros(12)
sim.write_healpix_map("zero_map.fits.gz", pixels)

This method saves an Healpix map into a FITS files that is written into the output folder for the simulation.

write_observations(subdir_name: None | str = 'tod', append_to_report: bool = True, *args, **kwargs) List[Path]

Write a set of observations as HDF5

This function is a wrapper to write_list_of_observations() that saves the observations associated with the simulation to a subdirectory within the output path of the simulation. The subdirectory is named subdir_name; if you want to avoid creating a subdirectory, just pass an empty string or None.

This function only writes HDF5 for the observations that belong to the current MPI process. If you have distributed the observations over several processes, you must call this function on each MPI process.

For a full explanation of the available parameters, see the documentation for write_list_of_observations().

litebird_sim.simulations.get_template_file_path(filename: str | Path) Path

Return a Path object pointing to the full path of a template file.

Template files are used by the framework to produce automatic reports. They are produced using template files, which usually reside in the templates subfolder of the main repository.

Given a filename (e.g.,, this function returns a full, absolute path to the file within the templates folder of the litebird_sim source code.