.. _installation_procedure: Installing the framework ======================== The framework is `registered on PyPI `_, it can be installed with the following procedure: .. code-block:: text # Create a directory where you're going to write your scripts, # notebooks, etc. mkdir -p ~/litebird && cd ~/litebird # Create a virtual environment with virtualenv lbs_env # or with python3 -m venv lbs_env # Activate the environment . lbs_env/bin/activate # Finally install litebird_sim with pip pip install litebird_sim When the command is completed, check that everything works by issuing the following command at the terminal prompt: .. code-block:: text python -c "import litebird_sim" A similar procedure can be used with conda: .. code-block:: text # Create a conda environment conda create -n lbs_env python=3.9 # Activate the environment conda activate lbs_env # Finally install litebird_sim with pip pip install litebird_sim Hacking litebird_sim -------------------- To develop ``litebird_sim``, you can create an enviroment, as described above, then checkout and install a local copy of the framework. .. code-block:: text # Create a virtual environment and activate it virtualenv my_venv && . my_venv/bin/activate # First clone the code git clone https://github.com/litebird/litebird_sim litebird_sim # Then install it with pip cd litebird_sim && pip install . Run code validators ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As every commit and pull request is validated through `ruff `_, you might want to run them before pushing modifications to the GitHub repository. In this case enter the ``litebird_sim`` directory and run the following command: .. code-block:: text # Always remember to activate your virtual environment! . my_venv/bin/activate # Install some useful hooks for git pre-commit install What this command does is to install a few «pre-commit» hooks: they are programs that are run whenever you run ``git commit`` and do some basic checks on your code before actually committing it. These checks are the same that are run by GitHub once you push your changes in a pull request, so they can save you several back-and-forth iterations. Development with MPI ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As explained in the chapter :ref:`using_mpi`, the LiteBIRD Simulation Framework supports MPI. To use it, you must ensure that `mpi4py `_ is installed. If you have created a virtual environment to work with ``litebird_sim`` (as you should have), just install it using ``pip``: .. code-block:: text pip install mpi4py That's it: the next time you run a script that uses ``litebird_sim``, MPI functions will be automatically enabled in the framework. See the chapter :ref:`using_mpi` for more details. Using Singularity ----------------- `Singularity `_ is a container platform that helps user in creating isolated environments where programs can be ran without interfering with other libraries installed on the system. You can consider a container as a zipped file containing a Linux distribution (Ubuntu), a Python distribution, and the LiteBIRD Simulation Framework, already installed and ready to be used. It might looks similar to a virtual machine, but it is way faster to start (no boot time delay) and easier to use. Let's first state what are the *drawbacks* of running the framework in a container: - It is not meant to be a tool used by people developing the LiteBIRD Simulation Framework, only by users, because the source code for ``litebird_sim`` is stored in a read-only directory. (You could however use it to develop some new module in your home directory, with the purpose of merging it later in the framework's codebase.) - It only runs under Linux. - You must run a recent version of the Linux kernel (at least 3.18, which was released in 2015). - The container is huge (~0.5 GB) and could be a waste of disk space if you already have a working Python distribution. - You cannot install it system-wide and call it within other Python programs you are already using on your system. For instance, if you have installed library XYZ in your system, you cannot call XYZ *and* functions/classes in ``litebird_sim`` from the same Python script. (It's a *container*, after all.) - Despite the fact that it is a container, it is *still* possible to have conflicts with other programs installed on your machine (although there are simple workarounds); However, the reason why we are providing this solution is because of some significant advantages: - You do not need to install/upgrade Python; - No need to mess with virtual environments; - Existing Python versions won't conflict with Singularity's containers (but see below for some caveats); - All the framework, its dependencies, and the Python compiler itself are bundled in **one** file, which you can keep in your home directory or move around; - It supports MPI, and thus it can be used on HPC clusters. Typically, you might want to use our Singularity container if you just want to run a Python script that calls ``litebird_sim``, but you do not want/cannot install the framework because of conflicts on your system. To use the Singularity container, you must follow these steps: 1. Build a ``Singularity`` file; using the scripts provided by the LiteBIRD Simulation Framework, it is a matter of an instant; 2. Build the container; this requires a working internet connection and will take a few minutes; 3. Once the container is built, a new huge executable file is ready to be used: with it, you can start IPython, JupyterLab, or run Python programs calling the LiteBIRD Simulation Framework. Let's see the details of each step. Build a ``Singularity`` file ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To build a file for Singularity, you must first clone the ``litebird_sim`` repository: .. code-block:: text git clone https://github.com/litebird/litebird_sim litebird_sim Enter the directory ``litebird_sim/singularity`` and run the script ``create-singularity-file.sh``. It takes the following arguments: - The version number of the Ubuntu Linux distribution to use. Valid choices are ``18.04`` and ``20.04``; you should use the most recent LTS release, which is currently ``20.04``. - A flag telling which version of MPI to install. Possible choices are: - ``openmpi``; - ``mpich``; - ``none`` (no MPI support). You should choose the same MPI implementation you are running on your system. Here are a few usage examples; each of them creates a ``Singularity`` file in the current directory (i.e., ``litebird_sim/singularity``): .. code-block:: text # Use Ubuntu Linux 20.04 and OpenMPI $ ./create-singularity-file.sh 20.04 openmpi # Use Ubuntu Linux 20.04 and MPICH $ ./create-singularity-file.sh 20.04 mpich # Use Ubuntu Linux 18.04 without MPI $ ./create-singularity-file.sh 18.04 none Build the container ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Once you have executed ``create-singularity-file.sh``, you will have a ``Singularity`` file. It's time to run ``singularity`` and create the container: .. code-block:: text singularity build --fakeroot litebird_sim.img Singularity (The file name ``litebird_sim.img`` is the container to create. Of course, you can pick the name you want; for example, if you are creating several containers, you might name them ``litebird_sim_20.04_openmpi.img`` and so on.) The flag ``--fakeroot`` allows you to create an image even if you do not have superuser powers. If everything works as expected, in a few minutes you will have a working container in file ``litebird_sim.img`` (which should be about ~0.5 GB in size). To check that the container works correctly, run a self-test on it: .. code-block:: text singularity test litebird_sim.img Running the container ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Once the container has been created, you can run it directly: the IPython prompt will appear, and you can use ``litebird_sim`` immediately. .. asciinema:: singularity_demo1.cast :preload: 1 You can use it to run scripts as well: .. asciinema:: singularity_demo2.cast :preload: 1 .. note:: You might wonder how could the container run the script ``test.py``, if the file was create *outside* the container. The reason is because Singularity by default mounts the home directory and the current directory in the container, so that you can always access whatever you have in these directories while running stuff from the container. This might lead to undesired effects, though. Suppose you have installed Anaconda/Miniconda under your home directory: in this case, clashes between the Python packages installed within the container and Anaconda might happen! In this case, you can run the container using the syntax ``singularity run -H /tmp/$USER``: this will mount the home directory on a directory under ``/tmp``. (You can specify another directory, of course.) To use MPI, you must call ``mpirun`` *outside* the container: .. asciinema:: singularity_demo3.cast :preload: 1 To obtain a short help about how to use the container, you can use the command ``singularity run-help``: .. asciinema:: singularity_help.cast :preload: 1 Finally, the following demo shows how to test the correctness of the LiteBIRD Simulation Framework and to browse a local copy of the documentation. The key feature shown here is the fact that running ``singularity shell litebird_sim.img`` starts a shell within the container; you can then move to ``/opt/litebird_sim`` (the directory where the framework has been installed) and run commands from there. .. asciinema:: singularity_shell.cast :preload: 1 Running ``python3 -m http.server`` starts an HTTP server connected to browsing to that URL will open your own local copy of the User's manual for the LiteBIRD Simulation Framework. Accessing the IMO from the container ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you are exporting your home directory (the default), you should have no problem accessing the IMO, provided that one of these conditions apply: - You are accessing a remote copy of the IMO; - You are accessing a local copy of the IMO that resides within your home directory.